Alice O. Howell
Speak tenderly of Jerusalem
Speak tenderly of
Its nails transfix a womb of
unborn parchment.
This is stretched out
between three testaments
and gives birth
with sharp cries of recognition
to an older, a far older covenant.
We come together with embers
to exchange the sacraments
in eponymous anguish.
Every time we hold hands
surrender, cherish, kiss
our blind codes of passion
are erected
like new pillars of protest
in the desert of revenge.
How dangerous is their
Speak tenderly of
We become when we touch,
we become the fingers of God
scouring the
ancient holy ground
plunging deep, turning
over the blood
searching for what was risked and
lost --
It seems almost He has
given up
turned away
that only we
can find the purpose and the peace
in the wrenching screams
of her labor.