Feedback on Distance Healing & Description of Web-weaving

From Judy:

The things I’m dealing with at the moment are mainly:

Short-term: I had breast cancer last year - I’m well now but want to make sure I’ve dealt with everything on every level.

Long-term: I’m an only child of holocaust survivors. The three of us were refugees from Hungary in 1956. I’m very enmeshed with my parents on levels of guilt and responsibility - much as I’ve tried to resolve it. My father has died but my mother is still alive.

"Picking up my web and moving on": I’ve lived in a very cluttered (but charming) house for the last 10 years and feel the need to move on somehow; my zillions of possessions are beautiful but now feeling like a burden. I can’t just pick up and go. Yet I feel the new can’t begin till I’ve let go of the old.

Hi again Judy

Re Tuesday night healing work:

Shamanic Guides involved: Ainjanneth (Dark Lady of the Underworld);Daynar, totem Wolf; Aaivan, Child Eternal; Merryth (White Sea Eagle).

This was an intriguing ‘mixed issue’ journey, which involved the twin areas of creativity (unbirthed potential), and heart entrapment and release. Neither of these was a soul retrieval per se, rather (in the first instance), a contact with unborn ability that is trying to find a welcoming space in your life, and secondly, a freeing of the heart ‘enmeshed’ and asleep in vampiric maternal energies.

The journey:

I first visited the left breast area, which I had earlier seen as inflamed with red (emotion) and dark yellow (trapped ambition and self-esteem). These energies were siphoned off with the help of Daynar, who dug a hole in the ‘floor’ of the breast so that the red and yellow could flow down in liquid form, thence out into the Underworld sea. These colours were then replaced with pink and green, channelled in a flowing braid from the heart region with the help of Aaivan, who formed an energy bridge between the two areas. I then visited the core of the cancerous area and found there a hard black egg covered all over with glowing points of stars. This immediately suggested unborn creative potential and vast imaginative powers. I went inside the egg and found there an embryo being, half-formed like a foetus and crouched over a writing desk atop an Overworld mountain. She was writing with a golden quill pen: ‘When I was born, part of me remained on the Mountain."

Aaivan was with me and asked her if she was ready to come down and be with you. She replied that she wasn’t yet, because there was as yet no room for her, no special place in which she was free to create and reflect in simplicity, quietude, and open-aired tranquillity. She seemed sad and alone, and full of longing for a home and friend (you). Aaivan and I left her in peace after Aaivan blessed her with the anointing of his Staff and touch of his Silver Globe. Merryth offered to remain behind and stand guard atop the mountain, also to fly around it while surveying the land below, thus creating a circular temenos, or protected sacred space.

I next journeyed to a realm of World, where I found a giant spider web, home of a maternal red-back. Trapped in her web was, lo and behold, your poor heart, sound asleep as though having been drugged. I must emphasise that this Spider energy wasn’t malevolent, or even primarily conscious; it was more like a powerful intoxicant, or sleep-inducing drug which tried to lower resistance and will-power. I felt this strongly when approaching the web, since I began yawning, as though I’d taken a sleeping tablet. I had to fight this off and did so with energetic chanting, drumming, indignation, and readiness to fight to free the trapped heart. At this point, the spider became aroused and defensive and tried to keep hold of the heart, but Ainjanneth helped me here; she disempowered the spider with a kind of stunning lightning strike, cut free the heart, and handed it to me. I felt that this spider energy was your mother’s and that the redness - which included a lot of unexpressed anger and pain - was what had inflamed the cancerous breast region. So that you can forgive, you need to know that most of this spider energy was not intentional, or meaning to cause harm, even though it has disempowered you and made your heart weak and numb. (Perhaps the clutter in your life has to do with being ‘(s)mothered’ in this entangling web(?)

The heart was taken back safely and placed in a protective rose quartz crystal. If you’d like the stone sent to you, let me know. The embryo was not retrieved, but her soul has been bonded to another pebble, which looks very much like a hybrid of foetus and crouched Tibetan monk. Again, you can have the pebble if you like. (I feel it’s important that you have tangible contacts with concrete symbols of these two these healing areas). You need to do more work with this embryo and invite her into your life - once you have made room for her. The heart released a lot of emotional pain once it was freed from the web. I sense that it is now at peace.

During the journey, I also felt that your father had wounded you at the level of the knees, as though he’d swept your legs from under you and had made you unable to move, or stand on your own feet without support, or emotional crutches.

I am keeping the pebble and rose quartz safely wrapped in skins in my shamanic ‘wood womb’ box. Another thing; regularly rub the breast region with warm olive oil to which has been added a few drops of lemon (aromatherapy) oil. Preferably use lemon skins to apply it. (Diagnosis from Nathair, totem Serpent). This cool, pale yellow energy will replace the negative, dark yellow energy that was siphoned off.

Dear Maureen,

I am full of tears and gratitude. You and the Guides have helped me beyond measure. I’m going to sit down now and reflect on everything you’ve said - then I’ll phone you. Thank you so much. Last night I read your amazing notes amid tears of recognition. The insights and revelations were truly meaningful. I sat on the floor and rubbed with olive oil and lemon and had the intention of allowing this healing to really happen. Then I felt so overwhelmed with it all that I fell asleep - I couldn’t think or feel about it any more. I slept till this morning, and later today I’m going to do some work with the embryo.

I felt such gratitude to you for your willingness to do this work for people (in this instance, me), and to life generally, that there is this love available that finds me even in my little suburban house and wants me to heal into my wholeness. In the meantime, may life also support you in every possible way!



Hi again Judy

So glad to hear you benefited from the healing session! It’s always an honour - and new range of experiences - to do this work. Yes, I felt a tremendous peace at the end of it and sensed that this was what you were feeling and that you’d have a sound night’s sleep! (I wove a protective light cocoon around you). I think you’ll find it even more beneficial when you have the heart stone and embryo pebble to work with and keep close to you. Glad to hear you’re working with the lemon oil - it’s important that you continue to nurture and be kind to yourself. Try putting a few drops of lemon in a bath!

Kind regards & safe healing journeys


Dear Maureen

I’ve received the crystal and pebble and find them remarkable in their healing gifts. The crystal verily POURED love into my heart the moment I set it on my heart-centre. Today I meditated with them both and felt in a state of great openness and gratitude. So I thank you most sincerely, dear Maureen, and all your kind guides!

With good wishes and more thanks,


Hi Judy

This is good news! Yes, it’s always vital in shamanic work to work with physical contact and tangibles. Rose quartz is a delighful and gentle stone for wounded hearts. The pebble, will of course also offer you soothing sea energies and ancient wisdom. (Have you tried sleeping with the heart stone under your pillow? It might help promote healing dreams).

Take care & keep journeying safely



Dear Maureen

Don’t worry, I’m not going to report in on this for the rest of your life, but I just HAD to tell you that I put the heart-stone under my pillow last night for the first time and IMMEDIATELY dreamed of finding an abandoned little girl baby . . . !

I felt concerned that someone should look after her and tried to find someone - I thought, "It would be nice to have a little girl, but what if it turns out to be a lot of trouble?" and tried to see if some gay male friends of mine would like to raise her. While I went upstairs to look for someone, I tried to open my hotel room door, which needed a toothbrush to be matched into a toothbrush-shaped keyhole (a strangely intimate symbol for me, because I really think using someone else’s toothbrush is too intimate - yet a toothbrush as a key is so general; it was the kind of toothbrush anyone could own, not special at all). As I tried to open the door, I heard a baby cry in the distance - and suddenly realised I’d forgotten to bring the baby with me! GUILT!

Anyway, I won’t go on, but INSTANT RESULTS from the heart-stone!

Thanks again, Maureen. Happy days and nights,



Russ wrote:

Thank you for bearing my concerns in mind. Your Saturday session (by which time you would have received my request), was somewhat different for me. I specifically had things come up for me surrounding squeezing out the world and squeezing out feeling. I also had some stuff come up around letting myself be touched deep inside. I believe these two are related. Other than that, just the usual sensations of energy. It seems like nothing major happened, but we’ll see how it plays out. I know from experience that sometimes healing takes time. I’m looking forward hearing what happened on your end.

Hi Russ

I indeed remembered you during the online sessions and had some fascinating journeying on your behalf. I firstly encountered you at the entrance of a wormhole tunnel, where you appeared in silhouette against a light background. This enabled me to see some of your chakra energies, which were very strong in the blue region (good communication and creative skills), but weak, or rather cluttered or disturbed, in the yellow, which appeared cloudy and tainted with brown. This suggested unresolved emotional issues, possibly anger, to do with relationships. The focus, however, was on the red base energies, which were strong, but undirected, suggesting that they needed a focus or outlet. Here my Dark Lord deity, Morddain appeared - and I might add he seldom makes an appearance. He seemed to want to offer some help and forged, out of your own energies, a gold and silver sword, which he drove through yout heart region, then handed to you. It suggested the theme of the Spiritual Warrior.

Morddain then left and you made your way to a fire in the midst of a forest. After you’d watched the flames awhile, a lady appeared from the forest, took your sword, and held it awhile in the flames. When it was very hot, she removed it and plunged it into a cup of liquid, which she gave you to drink. At this point, many more women appeared from the forest and formed a ritual circle about the fire; they were wild women, like maenads, or ancient Druids. You joined in with this circle and I got the impression that the women were teaching you a new level of relatedness to the feminine, both within yourself and in relationships - one based on a need to acknowledge and celebrate the wild, instinctual side of life and its oneness with Nature.

The fire circle gradually began to elevate from the ground, forming an upward-weaving spiral that reached toward the stars. Simultaneously a centre pole appeared, and looking at this closely, I saw that it was an enlarged version of your own spine, each vertebra being a step upward. This suggested, in retrospect, the arousing of Kundalini energy and its working upward. The dancing circle focused on the yellow solar plexus level and by weaving through and around it, fragmented it to many pieces, which were illumined and cooled off by

starlight, then gradually reformed into a calmer, purer form of yellow. Once the weaving circle had reached the upper violet of the stars, the figures, including yourself, dissolved back into the spine and the sword, as the union of gold and silver, male and female, took its place, point upward, inside your spine. This was the end of the Journey. I hope this resonates with your own experiences and subsequent changes. Let the energies flow, celebrate instinct, commune with Nature, and stay centred.

Blessings & Safe Journeys


From Russ:

That’s quite a journey you had on my behalf; I wish I knew what to say! I must say I didn’t expect such a rich and detailed report, either. What you relate certainly does resonate with my experience, though; it depicts very well much of the work that I have been doing on myself lately. I especially want to single out one thing, however: over the course of the many sessions I have done with you, one of the things that struck me most (and most often) was the heart-centredness of the work. I frequently feel energy there strongly as I sit (and indeed am feeling it now as I type). I have also been surprised by how gentle and even loving the healing has been, and how much it harmonizes with my path (not at all what I suspected from shamanism). Other than that, anger and control are issues that I’m working on now. I’m not sure exactly what the anger is about. The control I know is a matter of yielding and trusting and being - as you said - more instinctual. Beyond that, well, there is a lot there and the more I think about it, the more comes up for me. Reading your account is like

having an especially vivid and pregnant dream. I think I just need to let things flow for awhile.

Thank you again for journeying on my behalf. You are an instrument of healing in my life, and that means a very great deal to me.

Best wishes,


Hi Russ

I’m glad to hear that what you’ve felt and experienced resonated with my own trance journey - it’s always good to get positive feedback so that one knows one is on-track with the Tao of the Cosmos! Yes, as you detect, the heart is the core of shamanic work, hence the Borneo shamans, for instance, are ritualistically pierced through the heart to make them compassionate toward the sick. A shaman is effective to the extent that her/his heart has been wounded and healed. My current impression is that you might benefit from feeding your solar plexus centre with solar yellow and warmth. The Sun, whom I’ve visited in a healing Big Dream, would be all too glad to help. Talk to him and befriend him - thank him for giving himself to sustain us and so let your feelings flow outward to Nature. In time, you will be able to share them with people in such a simple and mutually trusting way.

Blessings & Safe Journeys



I had over the last few years serpent dreams, and an invitation (through subsequent dialogue dream work) to commune through trance and meditation with the serpent, but have not yet worked out how to actually proceed. These dreams were introduced by an initiation dream where a shaman with an owl’s mask conducted a ceremony for me. At this stage the serpent dreams are recurrent, in a yearly pattern (to the date!)

"The Dark" Nathair:

I like the sound of this! Owl (as esoteric wisdom) sounds like a mediator for you to Snake (even deeper, primordial wisdom and healing power). Interestingly, I used to have an Owl’s mask! I also have a friend who had two owls fall down dead out of trees right before her. She took the owls home and used their feathers to make a beautiful medicine shield. Snake is not easy to approach - s/he usually makes the first move, which can be one of wounding - or killing. If you can transform this death and woundedness to healing power, you are on the way to befriending this ambivalent energy. Snake is also the Kundalini fire that rises up through the spine during spiritual awakening. Try picturing Snake in relation to your spine and see where s/he is and what s/he’s up to. You are right to see that love is the key to befriending any animal guide; if you are afraid, then it is this snake energy in yourself that is trapped in the shadow, hence fearful or repulsive. Snakes are beautiful creatures - pure flowing energy and graceful instinct.

Ian wrote:

Please spend an hour initially to obtain some oracular guidance/illness diagnosis for me.

Hi Ian

Today I spent some time in trance-drumming on your situation. Aaivan told/showed me this in visions:

[Your] teeth issues have to do with making room for new growth and shedding the old (hence those common dreams of losing teeth!) Owl has to do with growth and change, intitiation, new beginnings, as the spiral of death and rebirth. I saw you riding on her back through dark, snow-clad woods, under a crescent Moon. She will teach you the wisdom of turning disadvantage to advantage, specially when you are in darkness (either depression, sleep, or temporary loss of vision). Try to go for quiet walks at twilight, or owl-light, which will help you develop a sensibility to Otherwords and the soul of Nature (from whom the Tao of all true healing comes). Look to obtain either owl feathers, to place under your pillow at night, and/or an owl-mask (try a theatrical supplier?) Or maybe make one? Wearing the mask will help you see with Owl eyes - you will begin to feel more comfortable in the dark (both physical and spiritual).

You need, however, to be wary of withdrawing too much from the world in your deepening search for wisdom and detachment. An ability to be detached and discerning is an asset, unless it becomes a defence against being fully alive, with all the vulnerability this entails. Don’t hold back too many secrets, specially from those who care for you. Expect a bright dawn and it will come, but your soul will for now prefer to feed at night and draw nourishment in silence and the stealth of solitary Owl-swooping.

Learn to watch and wait; barn owl is ‘white old woman of the night’, goddess of death who ruthlessly transforms, like the Morrighan. She can also teach you astral travel and clairvoyance. I see you holding hands with her across a fire around which you both dance. See her as the personification and passion of your intuitive, feminine soul. As Owl hoots, she reminds you that our death in (mythic & physical) reality marks a beginning, not an end.

Owl’s birth out of a firefish [which you saw] is the alchemical union of your feeling and intuition fuctions. Firefish is the Oldest Animal; Owl is her unconscious wisdom made conscious and available to you as freed energy of exploration of esoteric wisdom. Maintain

an attitude of openness and innocence, rather than strong-headed determination, for Firefish is also the Youngest, the leaping, dancing child Salmon Puer, who utilizes its knowledge of the reverse current which flows beneath the surface current. I see Salmon leaping out of water and swallowing you whole. As you remain in her stomach, he strips away your flesh and leaves you as a dancing skeleton.

You are invited to return the ritual interpenetration of death. Reverently cook and eat a salmon as a ritual integration and celebration of your absorbing of his energy and enthusiasm. Retain the bones (e.g. spinal column) and tie an owl feather to them. Holding and meditating on this will help you raise the Kundalini energy gently; focus on the base of the fish spine and work your fingers along, like using Rosary Beads. In doing this, you will also recover more sunken secrets in yourself.

Salmon summersaults (which comes from ‘salmon-sault’). He is happy to reverse his perspective and to renounce the ego’s one-sidedness. I see you standing on a shore, watching him spin circles in air, but you are not yet quite ready to join him. Let him teach you and you will in time feel free enough to cartwheel and let go of all ego-control, like the Dolphins also do! Thus sayeth Aaivan.

Blessings, Safe Flying & Diving, & Lunar Owl-Light

Maureen/"The Dark"Nathair

Jeanette wrote:

[During the online healing session] I experienced a profound sense of peace and at one stage I felt that I was being stroked. Then I experienced a drawing in - a tunnel perhaps. There were a lot of colours, particularly deep blue and gold. Toward the end there was a lot of red. In the middle of the red there was an eye, watching. When I opened my eyes it was exactly half an hour. I will do it again tomorrow.

Hi Jeanette

I was thinking of you while drumming this morning. I, too saw, colours, but mainly light blue in the region of the heart. This blue seemed to be struggling to rise upward to the throat level, i.e. I sensed that you were having difficulties in expressing your heart (green) creatively and verbally. I focused on pushing the energy upward from the base of your spine (red) to get energy flowing and to unblock places where fear was holding you back. Interestingly enough (re the eye!) I used - for the first time ever - my ‘seeing eye agate stone-guide’ to help with diagnosis! It’s a wonderful sphere that has one side which looks exactly like an open eye.

Nathair (my totem serpent diagnostician) recommended the following: that you purchase a

piece of spectrolite (also called labradorite) and regularly place it on your spine during a meditation that focuses on aligning the magnetic field of your spinal column; that you use a piece of smoky quartz at the feet level to help you stay grounded; that you strengthen your aura by drinking the following daily for 2 weeks: 2 chopped cloves of garlic swallowed like tablets with a warm glass of lemon juice and honey. (Garlic has radiant/repellent energy and can extend your aura outward and purify it of contamination by negative energies).

I did not see major problems or blockages for you - merely stubborn patterns and blockages of energy that have been there for years and have held you back creatively and emotionally. Don’t be afraid to express you true feelings and heart’s desires!

Kind regards & safe journeys

Maureen/"The Dark" Nathair

Ian wrote:

One day I would be very interested to hear what exactly brought you this insight and made you choose Shamanism. I could guess that it is some incredible story....

Hi Ian

I hope you’re well. I guess all our stories are unique adventures - yet familiar myths at the same time. Shamanism in its most potent form is not chosen so much as it chooses you; during initiation, you fall into it head first, through the equivalent of a schizophrenic crack-up, or voluntary madness. If you can rescue yourself from this, alone, you have the makings of a shaman. Jung went through something similar with his midlife crisis, during which he confronted the terrors and wonders of the collective unconscious - alone.


How have you met with the totem serpent yourself? How do you commune with it? How did you become initiated?

"The Dark" Nathair:

Well, I first encountered huge snakes in many dreams in which I was bitten, once to death, in swamps and other wild places. Later I dreamed I was a Druid shaman who was dancing around someone, singing a chant (in Gaelic) and performing a healing ceremony while wielding a snake as a totem. A bit later, I met my totem Serpent in a dream in which I was examining various animals that were on display at a kind of outdoor market. When I came to Nathair, he befriended me and crawled onto me. He was beautiful, slender, and covered with tiny black and white scales that looked grey from a distance. He was a diagnostician of illness and in the dream whispered gently in my ear what was wrong with various folk in the dream, then suggested a remedy. Then he suddenly took off at lightning speed, and headed elsewhere. Someone said that he was gone, but I said, no, he’ll be back soon, and sure enough he came racing back and darted up my back to land and coil about in a resting position on my head. Some folk in the dream pointed at this strange sight in a puzzled manner, and I laughed and said, "You must think I’m the Medusa!" (Medusa is the Scorpio myth - her shed blood has healing power). This is how I continue to work with Nathair - as a diagnostician and as Kundalini wisdom that has reached the Crown. Do let me know how your snake and owl dreams progress!

From Ian:

Dear Maureen

On the winds of wintry Wellington I am sending you my greetings.  A few things that I wanted to say to you.  Firstly, again thank you so much for the shamanic trance drumming that you are offering to the world. A few weeks ago I have partaken again and refreshed myself on your fountain of healing.  As you had predicted, I was indeed led by Owl to another animal helper and this time it was a beautiful big silvery grey Wolf. 

Kindest regards and vast skies for you



Hi Angela

Hope you’re doing OK? I’m just getting back to you with some feedback on the shamanic session, which focused on several issues: strengthening your protective shell, removing toxins, strengthening the solar plexus level (will), and reclaiming ‘lost child’ energy. The shamanic Guides that helped here were Daynar (Wolf), Ainjanneth (Underworld Lady), Nhaiarva (maternal Nature Goddess), Sun, and the Ninefold Platanus Ring, a group of nine Platanus trees whom I befriended recently. (They are beautiful, pale green-leafed trees, tall, elegant and shady with dappled bluish-grey-fawn bark; they remind me of Tolkien’s ‘mallorn’ trees).

The journey: In the realm of World, I first saw you at the Centre of the Ninefold Ring (who were circling slowly around you), lying down with a helping Tree of Heaven beside you. The first ritual involved weaving a ‘light bandage’, or protective, mummy-like cocoon about you, made from strands of light and heat drawn from Sun. This was woven to keep out invasive or destructive forces and boost your energy. Ainjanneth then came on the scene with an oil mixture, which contained garlic oil (don’t be alarmed!) diluted in a carrier oil vegetable base. This she began rubbing gently over your skin, which is extremely thin, both metaphorically and literally, and needs more repellents applied to it, both to keep out absorbable toxins (physical and psychic), and to strengthen the aura. Garlic is superb here, but need not be applied in the way Ainjanneth did (unless you feel you’d like to - it would certainly give you some space to yourself!) It can work just as effectively from the inside out, so why not try it? Try chopping up raw cloves into small pieces and swallowing them daily with some milk, or warm lemon juice and honey, which will mask the taste and smell. (As Aaivan once showed me, Garlic strengthens and extends the radiation span of the aura).

From the Sun cocoon, a sort of tube extended at the throat/mouth level to the Tree of Heaven, which was absorbing toxins at these levels (re sinus and throat restrictions, possibly related to your past smoking?) Since the Tree is your Guide, it is ‘happy’ to go on channelling off these toxins, provided it can then relieve itself of the burden of them. The Platanus Ring trees have ‘agreed’ to help with this. You simply need, via active imagination, to visualize the toxic energies (concretise them as, say, black smoke) streaming off into the circle of nine trees (evenly distributed to each of the nine), who will then channel the energies down to Undersea to be cleansed.

Another tube, channelling in solar energy at the solar plexus level, came into the cocoon from Sun. To tap into Sun’s energy, place a citrine quartz at the solar plexus level as you lie outdoors and, again, image Sun’s healing and annealing energies flowing into this yellow-gold level.

Daynar (Wolf) then came on the scene and began to dig a hole near where you were lying. I thought he was digging something up, but he kept on digging and I realized he was tunnelling through to Underworld, specifically the root area of your Tree, which correlates with your spine base, its nerve network, and your sense of groundedness. I followed Daynar and coming out of the tunnel, we emerged into a large dark cave and could see the roots extending down through its roof. They were rather too short and frayed and so couldn’t reach the cave floor to draw nourishment and strength and shadow power from Underworld. I explored the cave with Daynar and found, hidden in a corner, a girl child about nine or ten years old. She did not seem severely traumatised, or afraid, but was in a kind of alone, abandoned, mild stupor, as though she had seen or witnessed something disturbing (possibly to do with close relations or parents) that she had not been able to ‘take in’, deal with, or make sense of. Having had no nurturing environment, or anyone kind and sympathetic to discuss her confusion with, she had quietly retreated into herself with a lot of her strength and potential. I invited her to come forth from her dark corner and she was willing to do so, in a quiet and shy manner. She then showed me what she was carrying and it looked like a gold cylinder, or bar. Since she did not speak about it (soul parts seldom do), I let her lead me to where she wanted to go. She came over to the Tree root and the gold cylinder, which I now realised was the body of Butterfly, began to sprout wings as the child dissolved her own form and became the butterfly. She then flew upward into the hollow core of the Tree (your own spinal column) until she reached the solar level (just below the waist). Her body then dissolved until the gold cylinder remained and was put into place (by myself) to reinforce the spine and will at this level. I also saw the kidneys as a bit inflamed and reddish, so you need to keep them flushed with lots of spring water (which will also remove toxins). Future work for you (and/or myself) to do: extend the tree roots down through the cave until they reach the floor. Use smoky quartz as a grounding and meditation stone her - place it at the base of the spine.

On returning to World, your cocooned self seemed very peaceful and accepting of the reclaimed child (who seemed very accepting of you). Nhaiarva then came over and offered you a drink from the ‘Grail of Selwynd’, a golden liquid which nourished your soul, reconnected you with the healing power of Nature, and flowed into and sealed your aura. The reclaimed child was also blown into a rose quartz, which I have and would be happy to post to you, if you would like it.

I hope this brings you some peace, energy, and renewed self-love.

Journey safely and be kind to yourself.



I’m saving the report for late tomorrow afternoon, when I can spend some peaceful time reading it and working with your recommendations. I was so grateful this week to have your help and had the most exquisite sense of peace for several days after the "reception" of your energies on my behalf at the decaying altar in the grove of trees. After tomorrow, I know that this sense of peace will be with me again! I’m really eager to read and work with the report, but want to have this same sense of the sacred when I do and to give it my full attention. I’ll let you know what develops.

Again, much gratitude and love to you for all of your work. I know that I will emerge stronger and clearer (at least for some of the time) as a result of your efforts for me.

With muddy feet and best wishes




"The Dark" Nathair’s Web-weaving Ritual

Here is a soul retrieval method taught to me (by full Moonlight) by my Trickster deity, Terragian:

For purposes of soul retrieval, place the person at the Centre (preferably on a leyline, or acapuncture Earth point) of the web-to-be-woven. They can lie down on an animal skin, stand, or sit (whichever they prefer). Work clockwise, starting at the outer circumference, calling on Spider energy before commencing. Also, evoke key guides and/or deities to stand guard at each of the Four Corners (so that you are forming a squared circle, or alchemical mandala).

Begin by attaching web axes to trees, stones, or crystals placed at energy vortices around the circumference. At each successive point, draw the web from the circumference to the Centre, drumming and chanting all the while. (This you are moving in an alternating way inwardly and outwardly, and in so doing forming a simultaneous star pattern). As you do this, journey to retrieve lost soul parts or energies from the successive directions you are walking through around the rim. Draw the lost soul parts along the web axes inward to the person at Centre. If you wish, capture them in a soul crystal, shell, wood womb, or pebble to be given to the person, or capture them in a gem or flower essence to be drunk afterward; or simply breathe them back into the person through their heart chakra, or ear. Once you have constructed the mandala-like web axis, begin circling the circumference, connecting web in a circular fashion to the axes as you go. Call down star and moon energies and capture their guiding light in the web. Call up gem energies from the Earth’s heart; capture their shining colours and mingle them with the stellar fires, thus combining Above and Below, Celestial and Underworld. Begin drumming and as you circle clockwise, rotate on your own axis anti-clockwise (this balances light and dark, conscious and unconscious energies). As you circle, gradually spiral inward, till you reach the Centre.

Finally, connect the Central person, via 8 key points of their aura and body, to the whole web, which is now their circumference linking their centred Self to Spider power and Cosmos, Overworld and Underworld, Centre and Circumferential whole.

c.1998 Maureen B. Roberts ["The Dark" Nathair]

E-mail "The Dark" Nathair

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